Please pray for Ashley
Please pray for Ashley!!
Ashley is the 9 year old daughter of my friends Jeff and Tonya she drown in a pool in WY on Thursday June 28th and is fighting for her life in Denver children’s hospital – she is a sweet little girl with lots of life – please take a moment to say a healing prayer and let’s watch Gods miracle!! Please share this with friends so we can have a huge prayer chain for Ashley!! In Jesus name please restore Ashley to her healthy state and heal her completely and fully!! Amen!!
Update from Jeff (Ashley’s dad) Please keep praying!! Ashley’s fever and lungs are the same as yesterday morning. She wants to get out of bed so so bad. She is constantly trying to sit up and rip the tube out of her mouth. She did it once. She is good at answering questions with nod’s or head shaking. Last night we gave her paper and a pen to write questions to help with her confusion. She asked ” Can I go to the bathroom?” She remembered the Question mark. I burst out laughing, thinking the poor girls been holding it. It was a struggle to write and it really wore her out. At 5 am this morning she made more writing movements. She asked for a drink. Then Wrote ” How did I get” we asked here and she nodded. The nurse asked if she remembers swimming? Ash nodded. Then she asked do you remember having an accident? Ash nodded. I can’t wait until she’s able to talk. The night nurse said Ashley is the first miracle baby she’s had in Colorado. Her day nurse has worked here 34 years and told us she’s never had anyone recover so fast with an accident this serious. Prayers do work. The nurse said they guessed we’d be here several months at first. But as good as Ashley is doing it might be several weeks. Thank you everyone for the prayers and concern. (July 2,12)