Is An Underactive Thyroid…The Reason Why You Find It Almost IMPOSSIBLE
To Lose Weight? |
| A Personal Message From The Desk of
Louise O’Connor, Naturopath & Wellness Coach Have you tried no-fat diets, low-calorie diets, cutting out carbs and crazy fad diets… but NOTHING has helped you lose the weight? No matter how hard you try you actually seem to gain more and more weight each and every month?
Do you also feel tired ALL the time. Drained and overwhelmed by the demands of life? Are you feeling moody, even depressed some days? Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions then you could be suffering from an underactive thyroid. An underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism as it is termed is extremely common. This low thyroid condition slows your metabolism down to a crawl and makes it nearly impossible to lose weight. It also makes you feel tired, lethargic and moody. I know how you feel and I understand your thyroid problem. I have become known as the ’natural thyroid expert’. I am a qualified and experienced Australian Naturopath and Wellness Coach. I can now share with you the crucial information you need to help recover your thyroid health. |
| Why Diets Have Failed You… |
| It’s no secret that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. And for everyone else in the world this usually works. However when you have an underactive thyroid all those fad weight loss diets will not work for you. You can follow a strict weight loss diet religiously and still only lose a little…or NO weight at all. |
| Why?
When you cut back on calories your thyroid slows down. This is the body’s automatic response to dieting. Eating less is not the solution when you have hypothyroidism. Cutting calories slows your metabolism further making the symptoms of a sluggish thyroid even more of a problem. But, if you were to follow a healthy, natural thyroid diet that actually works to BOOST thyroid activity andSKYROCKET your metabolism, then you could level the playing field and finally lose the weight. And in a few minutes I am going to tell you how you can do just that. But before I say any more, I want you to look over my quick symptom checklist to see if you have the common symptoms of hypothyroidism. |
| Your Low Thyroid Symptom Checklist |
| When most people start a weight loss diet it makes them feel great. They have more energy, they start dropping weight right away, and they feel happy with the results.
However if you suffer hypothyroidism starting a weight loss diet can actually make you feel cranky, it can make you feel even more tired and miserable. Weight gain, low energy and mood changes are just a couple of the tell-tale signs of hypothyroidism.
Take a few moments to look over my low thyroid symptom checklist… |
| You have problems losing weight or gain weight easily |
| You have ‘brain fog’ which makes it hard to concentrate |
| You constantly feel tired & fatigued |
| You have mood swings that range from mild to severe |
| You have pain and stiffness in your joints |
| Your muscles ache or feel weak |
| You experience menstrual problems or irregular periods |
| You feel depressed & anxious |
| You are easily irritated |
| You become cold easily & have poor circulation |
| You have a decreased interest in sex |
| You have low blood pressure & heart palpitations |
| Your skin is dry & pale |
| You are worried about excessive hair loss
| Your face, hands & feet become swollen or puffy |
| If you are suffering from an undiagnosed, or untreated low thyroid problem you could be suffering from some, or maybe all of these symptoms.
But you don’t have to continue to suffer. There is something that you can do to support your thyroid, feel better and shed that stubborn weight today! |
| If Weight Loss Diets Have Failed You… It’s Time To Uncover the Simple Method to Support Your Thyroid & Supercharge Your Metabolism! |
| You know something isn’t right. You know it shouldn’t be so difficult to lose weight. You know you should have more energy and you should feel better.
And now you can. When you discover how to support your thyroid with a healthy, natural thyroid diet you will see and feel the results! |
| Introducing The Natural Thyroid Diet
| The thyroid is a critical gland that controls energy metabolism. When your thyroid doesn’t get the nutrition it needs… it becomes exhausted and it makes weight loss slow to a crawl. It’s now time to get your whole body health back on track with my simple and powerful natural thyroid diet.
The Natural Thyroid Diet is designed to boost your thyroid with the RIGHT foods and nutrients to help you FINALLY lose the weight. |
| And that’s not all… With The Natural Thyroid Diet you are going to be able to: |
| Uncover the 4 week step-by-step diet plan that takes the guess work out of choosing foods that support healthy thyroid activity |
| Discover the secrets to eating foods that nourish you thyroid & which foods damage your thyroid |
| Find out why soy foods harm your thyroid |
| Discover how to prepare easy & nutritious meals so you can enjoy delicious foods |
| Find out how to get a real medical diagnosis, even how to investigate your thyroid activity at home |
| Learn more about reverse T3 dominance & how to treat this common thyroid problem |
| Find out which tests to ask you doctor for & how to interpret the medical test results |
| Identify & address the underlying causes of your thyroid problem |
| Find out which targeted nutrients can assist healthy thyroid activity |
| Discover why iodine is such a critical mineral to safeguard thyroid health |
| Reduce thyroid stress & skyrocket your metabolism with a few simple physical activities |
| Help recover natural thyroid function in just a few short weeks! |
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| Don’t Be Taken In By Fad Weight Loss Diets! |
| When you finally break free from fad weight loss diets and start supporting your thyroid you are going to finally feel better and you are going to lose the weight!
And in just a few shorts weeks you are going to see improvements in thyroid health…I guarantee it! You are going to have more energy, your symptoms will start to improve and you are going to be free from all the useless diets that have kept you overweight! The Natural Thyroid Diet is like nothing you have ever tried because it works to support your thyroid. And when you boost thyroid activity you have the power to supercharge metabolism… you will literally watch the weight drop off! |
| In just a few weeks you are going to be able to: |
 | Eat foods that support your thyroid and help you LOSE WEIGHT! |
 | Stop eating foods that sabotage your thyroid |
 | Feel good about yourself, about your body and about your health! |
 | Get back the energy you thought you had lost forever! |
 | Stop your thyroid symptoms COLD and enjoy life again! |
 | Leave all those useless weight loss fad diets behind |
 | Shop for new clothes and finally fit back into your ‘skinny‘ jeans! |
 | Impress everyone you know! |
| The Natural Thyroid Diet Is Important
For You & Your Future… |
| You know by now that you can’t keep using the same old diets and the same old techniques. You know that you will always struggle to lose weight if you don’t treat your thyroid.
You know that your body is different… and you need a different approach if you want to reach your goals.The Natural Thyroid Diet is the key to fast and effective weight loss. But the fact that you are going to be able to FINALLY get an eating plan that works… and the fact that your jeans are going to fit better in just a few weeks isn’t the biggest benefit of The Natural Thyroid Diet. The biggest benefit is the fact you are going to eliminate all those miserable symptoms that have been holding you back. You are going to have a strategy that WORKS – so you never have to struggle to lose weight again! You are going to get back your energy, your body and your life! |
| At Last! Get The Low Thyroid Truth Today |
| Why Are You Unlikely To Get This Information Anywhere Else? I have an in-depth knowledge of thyroid health. For many years I had my own private practice where I treated numerous clients suffering from hypothyroidism and I helped them get their health back on track. My treatment plan empowered my clients to achieve lasting weight loss, and they also achieved a much higher level of health. So you could say I know from first hand practical experience what it takes to see results, and I am now sharing these valuable secrets with you. The Natural Thyroid Diet is the exact guide that I used in my private practice. I treated many clients using this wealth of advice and charged $80 per session, and most clients had 5 – 8 sessions. But you are not going to have to pay anywhere near this price to discover the secrets to your thyroid health. I am not going to charge you hundreds of dollars because I want you to be able to make this purchase today and get started on these changes immediately.
I want you to see the results, to feel better and to finally lose the weight. What’s The Bottom Line? How Much Does The Natural Thyroid Diet Cost? Your investment in my life changing natural thyroid health e-book is $19.95 (or the equivalent in your local currency). That’s right… for a small price you are going to have all the tips, secrets and methods to support your thyroid and supercharge your metabolism.
It is your turn to get lucky for once. It is your turn to finally end the constant battle with your thyroid, and with your weight. And really, when you think about it what else could you do with $19.95? Go to the movies? Go out to lunch? Buy a bottle of diet pills that probably won’t work? Or would you rather invest in your health, into your future and into your happiness? ” I was desperate to lose weight after having my son three years ago. By treating my thyroid I am now losing weight! Every 5 kilos is a dress size and I have bought a new outfit each time to celebrate my achievements.” Ms L. Cairns, Australia ” I used to be extremely fit, weighing 120 pounds (54.5kg). In the past two years I’ve lost all my energy and have gained around 20 pounds (9kg) with no control in sight. When I read The Natural Thyroid Diet e-book I realized that finally someone understood my problem.” Mrs R. Dallas, Texas ” I would recommend this as a fantastic reference book for the newly diagnosed. It is a life-saver really as it helped me understand my thyroid problem and what to do about it.” Ms B. Sydney, Australia |
| Are You Ready To Get Started
On Your New Life? |
| Don’t wait any longer. It’s your turn to finally end the constant battle with low thyroid symptoms. If you are truly ready to get your thyroid working at its peak…to lose the weight, then just click the button below and follow the steps through the 2-minute order process.
Once your order is complete with ClickBank you can download The Natural Thyroid Diet e-book (electronic book) to get started IMMEDIATELY. There are no shipping fees, no delays. Don’t hesitate for another second. Click the order button and get started TODAY! |
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My No Risk Guarantee The Natural Thyroid Diet Will Work For YOU!
This is not a quick fix, so please don’t expect gimmicks or ‘quick overnight results’. But you will get results! Now I know you may be sceptical. I’m sure this isn’t the first website that promised to help you lose weight.But it will be the last. Why? Because after you start using my simple and powerful plan to support your thyroid it is possible to boost your energy and eliminate your painful symptoms. You will have your life back and you will finally have the level playing field that you need to shed that extra weight. So to put your mind completely at ease I offer an ironclad guarantee that is unlike no other. I promise you WILL lose weight and feel better or The Natural Thyroid Diet is FREE! That’s right, you have a full 60 days to try The Natural Thyroid Diet for yourself. If you are not delighted by the results or 100% happy with your purchase I will give you a prompt and courteous refund. And I am not going to ask you any questions or give you a hard time. This NO QUIBBLE guaranteemeans there is no risk on your part. That’s right, you have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. |
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| I have just released a new e-book, ‘Adrenal Fatigue & Your Thyroid’. You can download a copy for FREE when you order The Natural Thyroid Diet today!
NEW SUPER BONUS OFFER… Adrenal Fatigue & Your Thyroid
What You Will Learn… - The Tell-tale Signs of Adrenal Fatigue
- The Connection Between Unrelenting Stress & Adrenal Burnout
- Why Adrenal Fatigue Often Leads To An Underactive Thyroid
- Understanding A Thyroid-Adrenal Crisis
- The Medical Test That Leads To A Diagnosis
- The Best Natural Strategies To Assist Adrenal Recovery
Don’t delay. Click on the order button now. It really is time to recover your thyroid health because you deserve to feel fabulous and live your life according to your dreams. Wishing you the very best of health, Naturopath & Wellness Coach
P.S. Fad weight loss diets are NEVER going to work for you. Now’s the time to discover how to treat your thyroid to see REAL results!
P.P.S. The Natural Thyroid Diet is 100% guaranteed for a FULL 60 days. That means you get to try it out and decide for yourself if The Natural Thyroid Diet is right for you. Isn’t your health and happiness worth it? Don’t wait another second…Order NOW! |